
Our History

Established in 1991, the Center for Teaching Excellence grew from the desire to continually elevate the learning experience for students at St. Edward’s. Through the center, 教师们聚在一起分享成功教学的想法和策略. They learn practical and inventive ways to improve teaching methods and respond to the various learning needs of students.

Our Mission

The Center for Teaching Excellence promotes effective, innovative, inclusive, 以证据为基础的大学教学促进持续学习. The Center cultivates a campus culture that values diverse approaches to learning and teaching. It supports faculty in enhancing pedagogical practices and facilitates the exchange of ideas and development of community among faculty.  

Upcoming Events

Our Goals

The Center for Teaching Excellence focuses on a variety of activities designed to support our mission, which include:

  • Advancing new initiatives in teaching and learning
  • 支持创新、包容的教学,使学生能够学习
  • Facilitating a culture of continuous teaching improvement
  • 建立跨校园的教学社区
  • Providing support for faculty at all stages of their St. Edward's teaching career
  • Recognizing excellence in teaching

Teaching Support Archive 录音和幻灯片的所有CTE和教学技术共同主办的事件, as well as additional curated resources.

Director and Advisory Board


Jennifer Jefferson是卓越教学中心的主任. She comes to this role after being a Visiting Assistant Professor in University Studies at St. Edward's University. 此前,她曾任教于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校和德克萨斯州立大学. 她的教育背景是美国研究和教育中的文化研究.

她致力于提供方案和支持,以响应圣. Edward's community, and she collaborates across campus to address the complex needs of faculty at a liberal arts university. 她感兴趣的一些领域包括包容性课程开发, reflective practice, and peer learning communities.

Administrative Coordinator

Juanita Servín

Advisory Board

Carsten Andresen, Associate Professor Criminal Justice

Claire Edwards, Assistant Professor Biological Sciences

Kate Lopez, Associate Professor of Accounting

Georgia Seminet,语言、文学和文化副教授
                                     Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities



The Center for Teaching Excellence offers a variety of programs to improve teaching at the university, including:

2023-2024 Full Event Schedule

Faculty Resources for 2023 to 2024

帮助教师为新环境下的教学做好准备, the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Office of Information Technology will continue to offer guidance and host workshops to help faculty develop and teach courses, whether they are face-to-face, hybrid or online, 同时也要为可能再次发生的意外情况做好准备.


  • Google Drive archive 录音和幻灯片的所有CTE和教学技术共同主办的事件, as well as additional curated resources.
  • Shared Google Calendar 与教学支持相关的所有事件,您可以添加到您自己的日历. 请订阅教学支持活动日历并回复即将举行的活动. Note: You must subscribe with your St. Edward’s Gmail account.
  • Teaching Forum Closed Workplace Group 让教师们促进对话和分享,这样我们就可以互相帮助,做好准备.

​As additional reminders, each event will be posted to the university calendar and to Workplace a few days in advance of the workshop. We hope this approach is helpful to you as we try to manage our summer course design processes and teaching.

4 Connections Learning Group
Second Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm
Holy Cross Hall 105

even if you can't make the meeting, we will still find a way for you to participate--PLEASE JOIN US!

Want to try out the "4 Connections, “这是一种基于有意识地将4个组成部分融入教学的留存策略? Those components include the following:

  1. Learn and use students’ names
  2. Build in spaces for check-ins/feedback
  3. Require one-on-one meetings
  4. 练习悖论——保持高期望值,同时保持一些内在的灵活性

Interested in learning more about this approach, trying it out, and chatting with colleagues? Please fill out the form, and I'll set up a meeting or two to orient ourselves, 然后我们会制定一个计划,在本学期的课程中检查一两次


Third Friday of the month at noon
Holy Cross 105

我想开始一个与你的教学有关的研究项目? Looking for cross-campus collaborators? 想要得到关于你的教学研究项目的反馈? Please join this professional learning community!


Coffee and Chat (and take advantage of cooler temps!)
Tuesday, October 24th at 9:00-10:30 am

and Wednesday, November 1 at 9:00-11:00 am

CTE希望邀请同事加入我们的非正式聊天,喝咖啡,吃点心. There will be tables set up outside of Holy Cross Hall (in between the building and the seal), and we will visit with colleagues from across campus. There might even be some treats to take with you. : )


Tuesday, October 31st from 12:30-1:45 pm
Holy Cross 105

请注意:如果周五前报名人数少于5人, October 27th, it will be postponed

We had so much fun swapping in-class teaching strategies--let's share ways to lower the stress in grading and assessing. Join us for this lunch-time discussion where strategies will be shared--from research and from your colleagues. The goal is for you to leave the lunch with a new strategy or two that might help alleviate the grading burden. (我知道现在是建议的季节——但我们都需要吃东西, and the last session led to engaging conversation)


Books and Coffee: The New College Classroom
Choose the time that works for your schedule:
First Wednesday of the month at 1 pm (blended--if needed--in person and zoom)
Wed: Sep 6, Oct 4, Nov 1, & Dec 6, 2023
First Thursday of the month at 3:30 pm
(in person)
Thu: Sep 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, & Dec 7, 2023
Holy Cross 105


Books and Coffee is a book club that meets monthly to discuss a few chapters from a contemporary book related to teaching and learning. We have coffee and assorted snacks to fuel our discussions.

This semester, we are reading The New College Classroom (2022) by Davidson and Katopodis. Multiple reviews of this book tout its immediate applicability and low barriers to integrating material, which multiple faculty have asked for.


Faculty Writing Group
No sign up required--show up as your schedule allows!
每周三从12点到2点,在圣十字厅一楼(大多是105, sometimes 110 if there is a schedule conflict)

This faculty-led group is designed to help folks make progress on writing projects by carving out time and space to work together in an accountable fashion. 完成工作所需的任何材料都可以带——零食, drinks, headphones, etc--as you co-work for a few hours each week. Questions? Reach out to Lisa Holleran or Michael Sacolo


Third Friday of the month at noon
Holy Cross 105

我想开始一个与你的教学有关的研究项目? Looking for cross-campus collaborators? 想要得到关于你的教学研究项目的反馈? Please join this professional learning community!

As always, 如果有什么我能帮忙的,请联系我,资源, observations, conversations.


Curriculum Mapping
Tuesday, October 17th from 3:30-4:45 pm
(let us know on the form if you are interested, 但这一次不适合你——很高兴提供第二次治疗)
Holy Cross 105

与认证和评估助理教务长Jocelyn Shadforth合作

In this session, 教师和系主任将获得课程映射要点的快速概述, focusing on different strategies for creating a program-level curriculum map that can be used to enhance teaching and program effectiveness. Participants will leave with ideas for creating a curriculum map that supports the assessment of student learning outcomes and resources to kickstart their curriculum mapping journey. A variety of templates will be made available on both Box and Google Drive prior to the workshop.



Previous CTE Program Schedules:

Teaching Awards and Innovation Fellows

Teaching Awards

Given annually, teaching excellence awards at St. Edward's University honor faculty for their exceptional talents and dedication to promoting learning in meaningful, engaging and innovative ways. The selection process is rigorous, evaluating candidates' course offerings, curricular designs, instructional methods, classroom performances, and interactions with students.

Five awards are given annually:

2022-2023 Teaching Winners

John S. Loucks, IV
John S. Loucks, IV
Sister Donna Jurick 
Distinguished Career Award


Image removed. Outstanding Teaching Award" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="49591424-5e90-4c26-9634-1c18e8442b05" height="314" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Shannon%20Pleasant-2.jpg" width="209" /> Image removed. Distinguished Teaching Award" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="98276f89-ee14-4e82-8c16-3287a735efed" height="315" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Rich%20Bautch.png" width="209" /> Image removed. Distinguished Teaching Award " data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="9ed13648-50c8-4818-b54b-e16deb22cbe4" height="315" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/20230417_Jessica_Boyette-Davis_Headshots_500x500.jpg" width="209" />
Image removed. DeLayne Hudspeth Award" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="50ad94cd-9035-48ce-9218-ebe4f2cf76a3" height="290" src="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Emily%20Bernate-Hudspeth.png" width="193" />




Innovation Fellows

Innovation fellowships support faculty who need time, resources and expertise to include pedagogical experimentation in their courses by providing a stipend, participation in the Innovation Institute, 以及一个专注于教学创新的教职人员社区.

Learn about our Innovation Fellows and their projects

Read about past fellows.

Hudspeth Award for Innovative Instruction

Delayne Hudspeth, retired professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Instructional Technology at the University of Texas, was a mentor to several St. 爱德华大学的教职员工以及其他硕士生和博士生. Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, Dr. 哈德斯佩思对高等教育创新的贡献获得了这个奖项. 

The CTE would like to invite you to apply for the Delayne Hudspeth Award for Innovative Instruction. The award, open to all who teach, including full-time (tenure-track and non-tenure-track), part-time, adjunct, and staff who teach, 是由一个代表学校的小组决定的,并有500美元的津贴. The application is a Google Form and is due March 11, 2022. Please see below for more details.

Delayne Hudspeth Award for Innovative Instruction 
Deadline: March 11, 2022
Application Form

Who can apply: This award recognizes St. 爱德华的导师们创造了创新的学习环境和项目. 所有教职员工——包括全职(终身教职和非终身教职), part-time, adjunct, and staff who teach -- are encouraged to apply. Previous Award winners will be considered for the Hudspeth Award five years after their previous win.

What projects are eligible: Self-nominations should highlight a specific project, an assignment or exercise, a teaching method, a new use of technology, or the redesign of an entire class.

Instructors may apply for the award based on an innovation implemented in any of the three years previous to the application deadline. For this year's award, projects implemented in any of the following semesters will be eligible:

  • 2018-2019学年,包括2018年秋季、2019年春季和2019年夏季
  • 2019-2020学年,包括2019年秋季,2020年春季和2020年夏季
  • 2020-2021学年,包括2020年秋季,2021年春季和2021年夏季
  • Fall 2021

What should the application highlight: Since this award celebrates innovation, preference will be given to projects that demonstrate the greatest levels of innovation and that clearly present the value of that innovation for student learning. 请注意,委员会并不把创新等同于采用新技术. 虽然一些获奖项目以技术的新用途为特色,但许多项目没有.  请在开始制作您的申请之前查看谷歌表单, as it will help guide you in showcasing your project.

When do you need to submit the application: Please fill out the Google Form by end of the day on Monday, March 11, 2022.

How will a winner be determined: The winner and finalist for the award will be decided upon by the members of Hudspeth Awards Committee. 该委员会由该大学各学院的代表组成. Applications are blind-reviewed, scored according to the selection criteria, and then discussed until the committee achieves consensus. 

Questions? 如果您对奖项有任何疑问或想讨论您的申请, please contact Jennifer Jefferson jennej@tuwabuki.com. 詹妮弗负责颁奖过程,但不是投票成员.